Immigration to or from the Netherlands

Expats who immigrate to or from the Netherlands

As soon as you move to the Netherlands you become a resident taxpayer. That means:


- You pay income tax in the Netherlands.

- You file your income tax return in the Netherlands.

- You pay national insurance contributions and the healthcare insurance contribution if you are socially insured in the Netherlands.


If you moved to or from the Netherlands during 2022, your Dutch income tax return will be more complicated than for the years during which you were a resident or non-resident of the Netherlands during the entire year. 

For the year of arrival in the Netherlands and the year of departure it is required to file a special tax return from, the so-called M-form. The "M" stands for "Migration". 


Income tax return

JK Tax & Business Support B.V. is specialized in preparing Dutch Income tax returns for new or leaving residents of the Netherlands or foreigners with property in or income from the Netherlands.


Feel free to ask for a free online meeting


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